05 February 2009

Commenting 101 and Other Musings

So I was talking with my parents the other day when they alerted me that there was some confusion surrounding my blog. Several people, my parents included, have expressed confusion about how to comment on this blog. So, for the readers that are unfamiliar with blogging, I thought I would write some instruction on how to leave comments.

First of all, anyone can leave comments. I set this blog up so that even people that are not members of blogspot can leave comments at the end of this blog. Just page down to the end of the entry and look at the text below. In gray and blue writing at the bottom it will say the time I posted and will have the labels that have put on the entry. It will also say "___ Comments" (Any number could be in the ____). If you click on that you can read any comments anyone else has made, and you can also make your own comments. To post go to the white square that says "Post a Comment" above it. You can write anything you'd like in the white square, and then go to the space that says "Comment As" and click on "anonymously" (unless you are a member). Then it will prompt you to type some letters that are displayed. Type the letter in, and you have successfully left a comment! Please just make sure that if you comment anonymously you still sign your name so I know who you are!

Now a Few Musings from Belgium...

-One thing about this place that makes me feel right at home is that Belgium is truly a nation of compulsive rule followers. Let me give you an example: All pedestrians here wait for the green signal before crossing. Seriously, almost everyone does this. The street could be completely clear, and everyone stands on the corner waiting for the green signal. Maybe one person breaks from this and crosses the street, and everyone eyes the rebel like they are crazy.

- My MEP (Member of the European Parliament) rocks. She is superwoman. She is incredibly knowledgeable about everything and is involved in so many committees, but always has time for her constituents. Recently, in light of the economic crisis she has volunteered to take a 20% reduction in pay. You can read about it more in the Irish Times: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2009/0205/1233787117361.html

-My parents sent me a Valentine. It made my day.

-I am beginning to understand the Irish frustration with the EU's current obsession with the Lisbon Treaty. In order for the treaty to pass it needs unanimous approval. The Irish voted it down, thus, it failed to get unanimous approval. You would think that people would count thier losses and move on, but no, instead they continue to reference Lisbon as if it were in force. They go further, and treat the Irish like crap for voting it down.

-I have heard about how unhealthy American food, and I'm not arguing with that, but Europeans put mayo on EVERYTHING. Literally, they use mayo like we use ranch. Everything is smothered in mayo or dipped in mayo. French Fries, oh I'm sorry, Belgian Fries are generally served with a giant glob of mayo on them. I am trying to step out of my box, but I just can't get into that.

That's all for now! Au Revoir!



  1. You rock em! Have a happy VD day and as the queen once said, "Let them eat mayo!"

    Your DAD

  2. Dude, our vending machines at school have these sandwiches that are literally like an inch of mayo and then a really thin slice of ham or something similar... it's soooooooo gross.

    Also, I don't think people in Rome even know what a traffic light is. Complete opposite!

  3. Hey Em!

    I'm so glad you became a follower of my blog. It sounds like you're having a great time. I really enjoy reading about your adventures. Do you mind if I use your speal to explain how to comment on a blog?? I've had people ask me the same question but I'm new to blogging and you explained it so well. Let me know. Thanks!

    God bless,
