Two weekends ago my roommates and I headed to Paris. We had to wake up at 4:45 am, and caught the 6:45 fast train to Paris. It was exhausting, but it was totally worth is, since it allowed us to get to Paris for cheap, and to spend more time exploring this amazing city.
When we got there we split up, Lori and I headed to Montmartre to check into our hostel, Celeste spent the weekend with friends, and Judith went to meet up with her boyfriend (but would catch up with us later).
We dropped our luggage off at the hostel, and headed over toward l'Arc de Triomphe. We walked around it, snapping pictures and marveling about the fact that we were in PARIS staring at something that had been built for Napoleon! Then Judith met up with us, and we headed to the top for some fantastic views. Seeing Paris from fairly high up, I realized immediately why everyone is so in love with Paris; It's absolutely beautiful. We spent a good while up there, soaking in the views, then headed down Avenue des Champs-Elysées.
We walked down toward le Grand Palais, and le Petit Palais, and then stopped on a bridge overlooking the River Seine. I was just blown away by how beautiful this view was. I felt as though I could stand on that bridge for the rest of my life, and not get sick of looking at it. Actually, I felt that way about most of Paris. It was truly stunning.
We headed back to our side of the bridge, with promises that we would explore the other side the next day. We walked down and saw the Palais Royal, and its beautiful garden. We stopped by the Colonne Vendôme, went into Église de la Madeleine (a spectacular church), stopped in the nicest public bathroom I have ever seen in my entire life, saw the Opera house (which is gorgeous), and lounged in the sun by a pond in the Jardin des Tuileries, before heading into the Louvre.
On Fridays at 6 pm the Louvre is free for people under 26. We took advantage of this. The Louvre was beautiful, but overwhelming. We enjoyed what we were able to see, but there is just so much art! We saw the Mona Lisa, and got really excited when we stumbled upon a few rooms full of paintings from Rubens (if you recall, we toured his house in Antwerp, and we were able to see some of his famous paintings that had been described to us on that tour). By this point we were exhausted, so we headed back to the hostel.
We got our room assignment, and went upstairs only to discover that there was only one bed left in our six person room. Apparently there was an Argentinian man that had forgotten to check out and, though he was out and about, his stuff was occupying my bed. The desk clerk gave me fresh linens, and told me that the bed was rightfully mine. I spent the night in a fitful sleep, worried that an irate man was going to come back to the room and, finding me in what he believed was his bed, either beat me up, or climb into bed with me. Thankfully, the night passed without incident, and I think the desk clerk gave me my sheets for free for the trouble.
We began the next day by heading off for the Eiffel Tower. It was really thrilling to be there. A day earlier I had kind of dismissed the Eiffel tower as kind of an eyesore that we only find charming because we learn about it as important landmark from a very early age. I have to admit, though, up close the tower was pretty freaking cool. We took about a thousand pictures of the tower and of ourselves with the tower, then headed out to see more sights.
We walked over and saw many more beautiful buildings then I can name, and ducked into several little gardens. The weather as absolutely gorgeous, and we just had a great time walking in the sun and enjoying the beautiful city.
We went into the Musee de Orsay, which was definitely a highlight of the trip. This museum has lots of really famous works from people like Monet, Manet, Cezanne, Degas, Vangough, Toulouse Latrec, and many others. It's also in an old train station, which is really cool.
We saw a couple of gorgeous churches, then walked over the Jardin Luxembourg. This was one of my favorite places in Paris. We sat in the sun by a pond, and watched little children push boats around on the pond. It was adorable. While waiting for Lori to come out of the bathroom I also had an interesting run-in with a French man who, with no prompting, formally welcomed me to Paris. When I asked him how he could so easily tell I was American he said "Well, Because I look at your face and I know you are not from Senegal." The entire encounter was so incredibly pleasant that it left Lori and I wondering if, in an attempt to change their reputation, the French government has started offering tax breaks to those that are friendly to tourists.
Next we grabbed lunch/dinner (eating at about 3:30 PM is a clever travel trick to avoid spending too much money) and then we headed toward Notre Dame. It was pretty cool, but Notre Dame was maybe the one thing in Paris that I wasn't blown away by. It was beautiful, but the touristy aspect of it made it difficult for me to see it as any sort of sacred space.
Then we headed over to meet Judith and Adam (who is studying in Paris), and some of his friends at a bar for drinks. Being an American in Paris, and heading out to meet up with other Americans for drinks made me feel a bit like I was in the Sun Also Rises (without the War induced injuries, of course).
Lori had promised me a romantic walk by the river, and I held her to it. We walked along the river and then hopped on the Metro back to the hostel for some well deserved rest.
The next morning we set out to explore the Montmartre region, which is where we were staying. We walked down toward the Moulin Rouge, and only then did we really how incredibly close we had been staying to the red light district, haha. Oh well, we never felt unsafe. Sunday morning was probably the best time to explore this region, as there were not many shady people. Seeing the moulin rouge was pretty cool. Then we headed up through narrow streets to see more the neighborhood, which quickly turned from being raunchy to being beautiful. We came across some beautiful sights, including more windmills, and an open-air market where lots of artists were selling their work.
Then we saw the Sacre-Coeur. This was another true highlight. It was gorgeous! We walked around inside, then I went in for mass. This was actually one of the longest masses I had every been to in my entire life, which was only frustrating because it was (obviously) in French, and Lori was waiting for me outside. Still, it was beautiful, and a really wonderful opportunity.
We climbed the many stairs down the hill in front of Sacre-Coeur, then headed over toward the area near Notre-Dame. Hit up the Shakespeare book Shop (in large part due to Savannah's high praises of the place Thanks Savvy!!) It really was neat. Then we headed over to St. Chapelle's to see the light streaming in through the beautiful stained glass. It was gorgeous.
We hopped over to the cemetery where Oscar Wilde and Jim Morrison were buried, but we weren't able to find either of their graves. Still, the cemetery was huge and pretty cool, although it was no Mount Hope.
One of my goals for the weekend was to see the Eiffel Tower shimmer, which it does on the hour at night. So we grabbed crepes, and headed back up to the Sacre-Couer to lounge in the sun, watch street performers, watch the sun set, and have a prime view of Eiffel Tower shimmering. Watching the Eiffel tower sparkle was the perfect ending to the trip. We headed down and walked back to the train station to make our train back.
I had heard from a few people that Paris is overrated; nothing could be farther from the truth. Paris is absolutely spectacular. It is beautiful,clean, and sophisticated, and there is so much to see. It was most certainly a place that I hope to visit again soon.
Thanks for reading!
The view of the Eiffel Tower from the Sacre-Couer at sunset. This is the exact point where I watched the Eiffel Tower shimmer. Eiffel tower shot #2.
Sacre-Couer! Please note the gorgeous blue sky! I actually got a little sunburned sitting outside of this building.
Lori and I in front of Notre-Dame
Children playing with Boats in the Jardin de Luxembourg. I thought this was so cute.
I love this painting. It was so cool to see the Original.